About The Birth Passage~

“With the birth of a baby comes the birth of a mother.”

It is said, a rite of passage is a particular type of ritual, conducted to mark an important transition in somebody’s life. With each passageway there typically are three stages; the pre-liminal (pregnancy), liminal (birth), and post-liminal (postpartum) stage. The Latin word ‘limen' means ‘a threshold’, as the liminal world forms the threshold between the old and the new. Here, it is with humble gratitude that we welcome Creation as our greatest opportunity for our physical, mental, and spiritual evolution, individually as well as collectively.

Blessings, I’m Bailey~

I am a Full Spectrum Doula, Thresholder for Women’s Passageways, and a Placenta Medicine Specialist residing in unceded Wiyot Territory, Humboldt County, California.

I am a weaver of medicine from multiple modalities throughout the past decade of study, and among being a Holistic Doula, I offer my heart & hands to the world as a Ceremonialist, Reiki Practitioner, Body Worker, Holistic Cosmetologist, Ayurvedic Health Yoga Teacher, Moonlodge Facilitator, Girls into Maidens Mentor, Mothers Village circle co-lead, Fertility Awareness Advocate, Childcare Provider, Ancestral Skills Educator, Herbalist, & Song Carrier. 

Today, I devote myself to deeping in this lifelong work, with a passion to support my sisterhood throughout life with these skills. Thank you for being here on this journey with me.

Bailey Locatelli ❍ Full Spectrum Doula

Humboldt County, CA | Wiyot Territory 

thebirthpassage@gmail.com | 559.474.1960

Training & Qualifications

Fertility & Cycle education

Fertility Awareness Method Certification with Caitlin McMurty- CFAE

Queen Anne’s Lace for Fertility Management Course with Molly Dutton Kenny

Birth & Postpartum

Intro to Midwifery & Doula Training Certification with Laura Doyle LM of Moonstone Midwifes

Adult and Pediatric First Aid, CPR, & AED Certification through Red Cross

Placenta & Food Safety

Placenta Apprentice to Audrey Rees LM,

OSHA Standards Food Handling License

OSHA Standards Blood Born Pathogen Training

Ceremony & Rites of Passage

Longdance Ceremony - 8th year lead of the Moonlodge

Danza de la Luna ~ 2nd year dancer

Gaia Girls Passages - Auntie/Mentor

Spirit Weavers - (11-18yo) MoonBeams Mentor

A Mothers Village - Co-Lead

Yoga & Health

1600hr Cosmetology License

300hr Yoga Teacher Training in Ayurvedic Health

DoTerra Aromatouch Practitioner

Level III Reiki Certification

Business & Insurances

BA in Sustainable Business Management - Calpoly Humboldt

Doula Bailey Locatelli - SP #013933

Registered MediCal Doula Provider