Ritual & Ceremony

How this works

  • Once you’ve look into the ceremony you’re interested in, feel free to send me an email through the ‘schedule a consultation’ button below. We will then book a phone call where we can talk more about the services you’re seeking and how I can support you during this sacred time.

  • During your call, we will get to know what you’re envisioning for your ceremony experience, answer any questions you may have about rituals and traditions, discuss timelines and locations that can host, and learn more about how we can create a memorable experience through these services.

  • When you have decided you’d like to book a Ceremonial Service you can place your oder by checking out with this service. We will then arrange a central meeting point for us to share a warm beverage and go over a checklist of details to discuss about the structure that goes into these gatherings, begin dreaming about who/what you would like to include in your special day, and finally schedule the date and location to begin creating the invitation to your gathering.