Placenta Medicine

What is Placenta Medicine?

Placenta Medicine is a means of repurposing your placenta into a medicinal supplement, tincture, topical salve, or special art keepsake to aid healing and honor your postpartum. There are many proven benefits of using placenta remedy. It is able to help replenish the body after birth, encourage bonding between baby and parents, protect from hemorrhage and infection, provide nutrients and hormones to assist recovery, and reduce effects of postpartum depression.

Placenta Remedy Package


  • TCM Method of Placenta Encapsulation

  • Intuitively Guided Placenta Print Art

  • Umbilical Cord Keepsake

  • Nourishing Postpartum Herbal Tea OR

  • Herbal Womb Warming Oil

How Does Placenta Collection Work?

  • As soon as you book your desired modalities of placenta processing, you will receive a scheduled phone appointment for us to meet, go through collection details together, and discuss your Placenta Care Package.

    If I am additionally supporting you as your Doula, I will have a Placenta Kit ready for your birth that contains a portable cooler, placenta container, frozen icepacks, sterile pads, and any information your provider needs to ensure safe transportation.

  • Upon the time of labor, have your birth partner remind your care providers that you wish to keep you placenta and to please ensure delivering your placenta, outside of water, onto a provided sterile pad or another clean surface.

    Have your Birth Partner to notify me when you go into labor and anytime following your birth, so I can plan to come receive your placenta for processing in a timely manner.

  • Your primary care provider can then inspect your placenta as usual, and place it into a designated container along with 1-2 blood clots.

    If birthing in a hospital, they will package it with care and put it on ice to store until pick up.

    If birthing at home, the container can be placed into refrigeration to be ready for collecting.

    I will collect your placenta at a location convenient to you within the first couple hours after birth.

    Your placenta medicine will then be prepared with loving intention, and delivered back to you within 24-48 hours.

Disclaimer: The statements, services and products on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) due to the traditions of this service and products. The placenta services and remedies offered by The Birth Passage are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Please know it is your own responsibility to research, evaluate, and consult your primary provider to determine whether using placenta remedies may be of benefit to you.