Variety Cacao Care Package


A Care Package of Cacao to sample all of our offerings and have the opportunity to sit with each Source~


— Four, 454g Bricks of Refined Cacao Paste from each of our 2024 Cacao Sources

— One, 60g Unrefined Round from Ignacio & Senovia’s Farm

— Sample package of Cacao Husk Tea

— Sample package of RAW Cacao Beans

— 30ml Sample of Belizean Bird Pepper

Dried Beans to use as additions to your altar or have as offerings


100% Organic HandCrafted Cacao Paste


Daily Dose: 20g-28g

Ceremonial Dose: 30-40g

Slice and chop cacao into a powder consistency and combine with 8-10 oz of liquid (water, milk/nut mylk, herbal tea) that is hot but under boiling temperature. Add an optional sweetener like raw honey or maple syrup and spice to your desire (bird pepper/cayenne, cinnamon, cardamom, turmeric, ginger). Whisk or blend ingredients together until frothy and intentionally enjoy! Can also use as a substitute for cocoa powder in baking ingredients, or temper into a personally crafted chocolate bar!

To view our Sources and their Stories click here

Add To Medicine Basket

A Care Package of Cacao to sample all of our offerings and have the opportunity to sit with each Source~


— Four, 454g Bricks of Refined Cacao Paste from each of our 2024 Cacao Sources

— One, 60g Unrefined Round from Ignacio & Senovia’s Farm

— Sample package of Cacao Husk Tea

— Sample package of RAW Cacao Beans

— 30ml Sample of Belizean Bird Pepper

Dried Beans to use as additions to your altar or have as offerings


100% Organic HandCrafted Cacao Paste


Daily Dose: 20g-28g

Ceremonial Dose: 30-40g

Slice and chop cacao into a powder consistency and combine with 8-10 oz of liquid (water, milk/nut mylk, herbal tea) that is hot but under boiling temperature. Add an optional sweetener like raw honey or maple syrup and spice to your desire (bird pepper/cayenne, cinnamon, cardamom, turmeric, ginger). Whisk or blend ingredients together until frothy and intentionally enjoy! Can also use as a substitute for cocoa powder in baking ingredients, or temper into a personally crafted chocolate bar!

To view our Sources and their Stories click here

A Care Package of Cacao to sample all of our offerings and have the opportunity to sit with each Source~


— Four, 454g Bricks of Refined Cacao Paste from each of our 2024 Cacao Sources

— One, 60g Unrefined Round from Ignacio & Senovia’s Farm

— Sample package of Cacao Husk Tea

— Sample package of RAW Cacao Beans

— 30ml Sample of Belizean Bird Pepper

Dried Beans to use as additions to your altar or have as offerings


100% Organic HandCrafted Cacao Paste


Daily Dose: 20g-28g

Ceremonial Dose: 30-40g

Slice and chop cacao into a powder consistency and combine with 8-10 oz of liquid (water, milk/nut mylk, herbal tea) that is hot but under boiling temperature. Add an optional sweetener like raw honey or maple syrup and spice to your desire (bird pepper/cayenne, cinnamon, cardamom, turmeric, ginger). Whisk or blend ingredients together until frothy and intentionally enjoy! Can also use as a substitute for cocoa powder in baking ingredients, or temper into a personally crafted chocolate bar!

To view our Sources and their Stories click here

It is with deep gratitude that we are able to turn this passion project of ours into a small business with the mission to directly support these Maya families while bridging this medicine to our loved ones of the North. We pour every ounce of our love into this process of Sourcing, Processing, Packaging, Marketing, and Distributing, so it can now be received into your hearts and hands, and so that we may continue cultivating a 20+ year relationship with Belize that is sustainable for many more years to come.

We offer sliding scale donation & trade value for all of our products to encourage making this medicine accessible, supportive, and to invite an energetic exchange that feels balanced according to each individual. Because we are a small scale business and source a majority of our beans from single-farm origins, we are only able to fulfill orders up to 5lbs per person this year to allow the opportunity for the medicine to spread throughout our communities far and wide. We appreciate your support and getting to share our love of these people and places with you in this way!